1st Year Evaluation
Year 1 - Art Overlook This first year of art has definitely helped me to come out of my shell. I’ve really enjoyed researching different genres of art and the artists as well. It also helped to try out different techniques as I was able to see whether I liked them enough to reuse them in the future. Also I could see the effect they gave and I’d be able to consider using them to convey meaning in my next art pieces. Before first year even started we were asked to take photos that linked to ‘Journeys’ and also create a piece of art that showed our personal journeys. I enjoyed taking pictures as it mainly required thought and not skill, and we had quite a bit of freedom. However, I didn’t like my final painting as I rushed it. I feel that the meaning behind it was too simple and predictable. I wish it had a deeper (or even unknown) meaning. When I completed it though, I was reasonably happy with. I realise now that I am capable of a lot more as I have explored further into...