
Modern Artists

- Their quote
- Movements & Styles
- Example

Carl Andre

- "My art springs from my desire to have things in the world which would otherwise never be there."
- Minimalism, Conceptual Art
- "Cedar Piece" (1959 - destroyed - remade 1964)

Salvador Dalí

- "The fact that I myself, at the moment of painting, do not understand my own pictures, does not mean that these pictures have no meaning..."
- Surrealism
"Un Chien Andalou" (1927) - An Andalusian Dog

Robert Indiana

- "I have always thought of my work as being celebratory. Let's say it's the three C's - commemorative, celebratory, and colourful."
- Pop Art, Minimalism, Hard Edge Painting
- "Hole" (1960)


- "The work of art is a scream of freedom."
- Nouveau Réalisme, Earth Art
- "Wall of Oil Barrels - Rideau de Fer" (1961-1962) - The Iron Curtain

Tracey Emin

- "I realised I was my work, I was the essence of my work - I always say that after I'm dead my work isn't going to be half as good."
- Young British Artists, Conceptual Art, Feminist Art, Body Art
- "Everyone I have Ever Slept With" (1963-1995)


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