Line Art Project Evaluation

Line Art Project

  For this project, we were told to come up with a final piece that was inspired by the quote "A drawing is like taking a line for a walk". In my group we started thinking about drawing a picture of a celebrity's face using small lines.

 Small Lines (incomplete)
Continuous Line (Lionel Richie)
Continuous Line (Lionel Messi)
  Also, to include further links to line, we decided to draw the faces of famous people with the pronunciation of 'line' in their name (Lionel Richie, and Lionel Messi).  I really liked these plans and thought that they'd make a great final outcome, but the task was changed and we were no longer allowed to produce a drawing. This idea then changed after an experiment, as we found that we preferred using a continuous line to create the shapes and shadows of someones face. The scribble technique was definitely one of our favourites. Although this set us back quite a bit, we proceeded to come up with ideas that we could do instead. One of our group members had the idea to create lines on different surfaces outdoors, take pictures of them and then create a photo montage of them creating a larger picture. The larger image we created was of an eye and an eyebrow. However, we hadn't considered that this was still classed as drawing, so we now have to think of other ways we could still make the final larger shape, but without drawing anything ourselves. We had thought of using the natural lines that you can find outside and using a lot of them to create the eye, or we could position objects (such as sticks and/or stones, etc.) however we want. The natural lines would just be of simple things such as the line of a window frame, or maybe the length of a door handle. The photo-shop that took place at the end would be the most important part.

I thought that, to improve this piece, it would've been better to take more pictures to create the possibility of adding further detail. Smaller photos could have added more realistic sections to the eye, for example, in our final piece the eyelashes were not all the same size and so it wasn't as realistic as it could've been. I also thought that the eyebrow could have been created using multiple photographs rather than just drawing the whole thing in one. This was done, though, as we didn't have that much time to create what we did.


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