
Showing posts from September, 2017

Conceptual Art

Conceptual Art Conceptual art is when the meaning behind a piece of artwork is more important than the finished artwork itself. Some conceptual artists find that the words used to describe the artwork are more meaningful than the art.  In the BBC Documentary called 'Who's Afraid of Conceptual Art', the host talks about how artwork has slowly been confused and combined with objects. Objects with nothing added to them are now considered art as they can give a very interesting meaning when labelled appropriately. This now cannot limit the interpretations of a piece of art as it can be left up to the viewers imagination. For example, Alphonse Allais's artwork called  'Negroes fighting in a cellar at night' (translated  from French) is simply a black piece of paper in  a frame. It was originally created as a joke to show that a picture can be seen as anything when given the right description.  He also created a red piece and a white piec

Larger Scale Drawing (on wall)

Medium: Pencil Element: Lines/Shape Technique: Slightly shaking pencil, redrawing over first pencil line Time taken: approx. 45 minutes Comparison of smaller scale to larger scale ropes

In-Lesson Still Life Drawings 2

Rope Medium: Pencil Element: Lines Technique: Keep pencil on page, slightly shaking pencil Time taken: 20 minutes Pine cone Medium: Chalk and charcoal Element: Tone Technique: Blending using cotton balls/buds Time taken: 20 minutes Corn Medium: Green gel pen Element: Pattern/shape Technique: Repeatedly drawing same shape, drawing quickly Time taken: 15 minutes

Artwork that Changed the World

Leonardo Da Vinci Nationality: Italian DOB: April 15, 1452 DOD:  May 2, 1519 Place of Birth: Vinci, Italy Artwork that changed the world:                        Mona Lisa (a.k.a. La Gioconda) The Mona Lisa is a very controversial painting, as some say the picture is Leonardo’s female version of himself. Many are/were concerned with her facial expression as she doesn’t seem happy, maybe she was troubled. Mona Lisa was believed to be 24 at the time of the portrait. Da Vinci used oil paints to create the artwork in 1503. However, in 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre on August 21st. Pablo Picasso was a suspect for this theft but was innocent. One mystery of the painting is that Mona Lisa features very faint eyebrows and apparently does not have any eyelashes. In 2007, a French engineer and inventor called Pascal Cotte said he discovered with a high-definition camera that Leonardo da Vinci did actually paint eyebrows

In-Lesson Still Life Drawings

Blind drawing Overlapping the same image Using two pencils at once Biro drawing without removing pen

Induction Task

Green Nature  Pure Bench - rest, break Low-key light  Plants Growth Life Branches - sections of life journey  Path Roots - 'Bumps' in the road Struggle Brown Natural Fly Flight  Landed or grounded Freedom Clouds - air, wind Road Journey Car - metaphor for moving forward Bridge - represents summer break   Grass Nature Water - Weathering Moth Tree bark Camouflage Blending into crowd This painting represents my journey throughout the holidays. The bridge was drawn from another photo I took, and is meant to symbolise the 6-8 week journey I took. The hole at the end of the bridge represents college as that's what I was to arrive at, at the end of summer break. The forest type colours around the bridge are just supposed to bring out the brighter colours of the rainbow, which is college, to show the different surroundings I would be introduced to.