Induction Task

  • Green
  • Nature 
  • Pure
  • Bench - rest, break
  • Low-key light

  •  Plants
  • Growth
  • Life
  • Branches - sections of life journey

  •  Path
  • Roots - 'Bumps' in the road
  • Struggle
  • Brown
  • Natural

  • Fly
  • Flight 
  • Landed or grounded
  • Freedom
  • Clouds - air, wind

  • Road
  • Journey
  • Car - metaphor for moving forward
  • Bridge - represents summer break 

  •  Grass
  • Nature
  • Water - Weathering

  • Moth
  • Tree bark
  • Camouflage
  • Blending into crowd
    This painting represents my journey throughout the holidays. The bridge was drawn from another photo I took, and is meant to symbolise the 6-8 week journey I took. The hole at the end of the bridge represents college as that's what I was to arrive at, at the end of summer break. The forest type colours around the bridge are just supposed to bring out the brighter colours of the rainbow, which is college, to show the different surroundings I would be introduced to.


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