Artist Research Critical Analysis Part 2

I decided I wanted to look further into Lichtenstein's work as from a quick glance it simply seems creative and intricate. However, I am usually more interested in the reason behind artwork and the possible meanings. This is just because I believe that everything has an inspiration and without one, things can fall flat (not become known).

René's work didn't excite me because of the methods, but because of the hidden messages he was getting across. The pure craziness of some of his creations were fascinating, they were out of the ordinary and being different in a world of boring is a lot more fun. This was the main reason I decided to explore Magritte's work; the meanings behind them, not the intricacy of the techniques. This is why some of Magritte's section isn't complete (due to not knowing where to start).

Both of my chosen artists are inspirations to me as their artwork always appears to be well thought out. For me this is the most important aspect behind any final product as a meaning can give it so much more significance. It shows that art isn't as easy as just putting a pen to paper (necessarily), and in some instances, a great art piece takes time and is therefore worth a lot more than you first think.
In art, time is everything, especially when given a deadline. Since I am used to having deadlines, I'd like to think that I am able to plan out the time I use to create something in order to finish it. In the past though, however, I have left pieces unfinished due to the lack of a need to finish them. By taking art as an A Level, I've been shown that a completed art piece makes you a lot happier than if you run out of time and/or energy. Persistence is key, and I'd hope that I obtain the quality of being persistent if I haven't already.

Although it may leave an interesting effect, an incomplete piece of work to me doesn't seem to reach its full potential. I only think that art is done when you have no possible improvements for it, and after spending so much time on a project, you owe it to yourself to make it the best it can be. That way you can feel rightfully and thoroughly proud of your work.

Any artist is an inspiration to me in this sense as they were able to find the motivation to complete their work, which is harder to do than it seems.

In order to understand the artists I'd chosen to research, I thought it was important to try and analyse their work and explore into their minds (from the perspective they showed). I dedicated whole sections in my sketchbook to simply trying to come up with meanings that may have been inferred from their creations. It was very effective to do this for me, not only to understand their work, but as practise as I am sometimes asked on my thoughts of meanings behind artwork.

Also I wanted to see the ways in which artists went about creating their work. I used my recreation sections to test out their methods to see whether I would prefer these over my own current methods. However I found these particular artists' methods to not suit me and so I didn't continue to use them further in my work despite possibly mentioning how it could've been done.

I felt that it was only right to trial two pieces of artwork to fully have an idea of whether I liked creating art in the same way. Although, in Magritte's work, he didn't use any particular methods and so they were difficult to copy. In Roy's case, I liked the idea of the effect that his techniques gave off but I did not think that the methods he used to create them were worth it.

At first I was expecting to recreate some of Magritte's work but after consideration I thought that it'd be a waste of time as my focus was on his creativity and inspiration not on his methods and techniques. Although I wasn't able to take his supposed techniques further, I was able to take inspiration from his work (such as his interest in surrealistic art).


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