
Showing posts from March, 2018

Artist Research Critical Analysis Part 1

     Salvador Dal í -           Born on May 11, 1904 -           Spanish Painter, Sculptor, Filmmaker, Printmaker, and Performance Artist. His movement in art is surrealism. His artwork is very detailed which is why I enjoy it. The way he can include multiple different images in one piece is incredible as it can show how different people can see different images depending on whether they look at the picture as a whole or just a smaller area of it. Generally, after a second or two, the other image is easy to distinguish, like the piece “Adolescence”, made in 1941.  In this artwork, there are two images that are visible: a woman, a child and a range of hills in the background with some houses built onto it, or a woman’s face, her nose, mouth and chin are made from the shading on the first woman and two eyes are made from the houses on the hill. Personally, I saw the larger image of the woman’s face first. This could possibly show that I might be open-minded

Stop Motion Clay Creation

Stop Motion Lesson I found this lesson very informative and quite fun. It was nice to have a break from the regular art lessons we usually have and do something we've never done before. - Stages of creating the stop motion The first stage of making the stop motion creation was to come up with an idea of what to make move and how we would do it. In my group we had decided to make a tree grow, rocks roll into place, and a 'Lochness monster' move through the water. After we'd come up with this idea, we had to then use some clay to make the shapes that would show the gradual changes in the scenes. We made various sizes of rocks which would roll into the camera shot together, we made the different sizes of stumps and eventual leaves and branches for the tree, and also we made the visible body parts, that were out of water, for the 'lochness monster'. The actual filming process wasn't too easy but it was quite fun. Instead of taking

Line Art Project Continued

Individual Continuation of Line Art Project After completing the final piece in groups, we were told to then come up with ways to improve it, and then we were to recreate it but individually. I thought this was an interesting task as in a group, the members tend to think of ways to improve it but don't mention it as they don't want to seem like they're changing everything. I, for one, did think of other ways to make the piece better but I thought it was best to go with the group as it wasn't too important. Now, individually, we get to put our own twists on the piece and take it where we want.  My idea to improve the piece was to find lines around the college and simply take pictures of them. I would take quite a lot as I feel that I would be more accurate with the shape I wanted to make. Also, I can make a line into any shape I want, whether that includes combining some together or not, which would allow me to do a larger range of things.     I would&

Line Art Project Evaluation

Line Art Project   For this project, we were told to come up with a final piece that was inspired by the quote "A drawing is like taking a line for a walk". In my group we started thinking about drawing a picture of a celebrity's face using small lines.  Small Lines (incomplete) Continuous Line (Lionel Richie) Continuous Line (Lionel Messi)   Also, to include further links to line, we decided to draw the faces of famous people with the pronunciation of 'line' in their name (Lionel Richie, and Lionel Messi).  I really liked these plans and thought that they'd make a great final outcome, but the task was changed and we were no longer allowed to produce a drawing.   This idea then changed after an experiment, as we found that we preferred using a continuous line to create the shapes and shadows of someones face. The scribble technique was definitely one of our favourites. Although this set us back quite a bit, we proceeded to come up wi

Final Piece Evaluation

Evaluation For My Final Piece Attempts (Including End Product)

Sketchbook Art

Meaningful Artwork This is one of my first and favourite creations. I didn't have a meaning until the final details were being added. The first stage of me creating this was the background which I only thought I was experimenting with. After this I noticed a negative story within the newspaper I'd stuck down and decided to keep it as my theme. I searched the internet for inspiration and came up with the idea to add tearful eyes to it, although I thought it looked better when they were closed eyes with a tear drop falling down. I felt that adding eyelashes to make the eyes belong to a woman was more effective as they tend to be viewed as more vulnerable and so it would portray the idea that she is in danger if she is so upset/scared (the closed eyes make it seem like she's afraid to open them). I added the details of the tally markings to convey the idea that she is counting down to something. These markings are commonly associated with prisons as they c